A little love to Australia

I have an online acquaintance down in Australia named Trixi and around October last year, she asked to interview me for a series of posts about sewing teachers! She posted that interview on her blog yesterday, which you can read for yourself if you want. She's doing a great job on the series about sewing teachers, so you should definitely subscribe to her blog. 

I feel so honored to be featured on someone else's blog, so I wanted to give Trixi a shoutout here in return.  I'm pretty sure I first became aware of Trixi's blog, Coloured Buttons, on Instagram. As a sewing teacher looking for ideas on patterns, projects and how other people do things, I found her website and Pinterest page to be a wealth of ideas! 

I quickly bought her ebook, Sew Together, Grow Together, and was thrilled with the ideas! Remember these adorable speech bubble magnets from one of my classes? That's Trixi's idea! 


My daughter Layla really loves making little softies and has been inspired by this ebook many times over, it's so sweet. 

You can find the book here on Amazon

Please go check out Trixi's ideas, it's a feast for the eyes! Everything is just so fun and colorful. 

Here's where all you can find her: 


Trixi, thank you for inspiring the creativity in us all! :)