Kids Can Sew Doll Sleeping Bags

July Sewing camp session 1 is under way! This month's theme is sewing for your 18" doll and I have a group of 7 new girls learning to sew! It's been so much fun meeting new little sewers and the dynamics each week have ben totally different, it really keeps in interesting! 

Today we made sleeping bags and pillows for our dolls and then with our extra time we made no-sew tutus. Some of the girls said they wanted a fleece and flannel sleeping bag of their own because they seem so cozy, haha! 

For the sleeping bags, I wanted something easy enough for kids to make and landed on this Easy Peasey Doll Sleeping Bag tutorial by Kim Brancato fit the bill.  We decided to use our fleece on the inside since they wanted their cute flannels to show on the outside. 

On to day 2! Tomorrow we'll be making pajamas for the dolls! Can't wait. 
